Lower Cribden Avenue Residents Group Fundraising

Lower Cribden Avenue's Fundraising

Combat Stress

Safari suppers and donations in lieu of birthday presents have kept the Millennium Fund healthy. This has meant that we were able to give £1000 to Combat Stress, the UK's leading Military Charity specialising in the care of Veterans' mental health, in memory of another neighbour to die prematurely, our friend George Raynor from number 3.

British Lung Foundation

Fundraising in 2007 meant that we were able to give £1000 from the Lower Cribden Avenue Millennium Fund to the British Lung Foundation in memory of our dear friend and neighbour Liz Wilkinson. This was added to the £725 raised at the recent cheese and wine event hosted by Jean and Colin Smith. A fantastic donation worthy of Liz.

Cancer Research UK

Many of the Avenue residents have once again completed the Race for Life event again in 2008. Congratulations to all

Rossendale Valley Mencap Gateway and Rossendale Hospice

We can all be justly proud of the Lower Cribden Avenue fund raising. £350 from the Millennium Fund was been given to Rossendale Valley Mencap Gateway to help fund the children's 2006 Christmas party. On the 20th December, Bob Collins went with Louise McGuinness to her regular session at Rossendale Hospice and handed over £1,000. Louise told me how thrilled she was about this. The ceremony when another gold leaf with 'Lower Cribden Avenue' was added to the fundraising tree is detailed on the home page.

This money was raised at the 2006 May Ball and the 2006 Safari Supper. It is wonderful to know we are able to make a difference.